2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2014 - 2015
In all of our travels, we have consistantly seen God's hand of direction and provision! Our faith has been continually stretched and strengthened! The Gospel has been shared everywhere we go, and thankfully we have not only been able to plant, but we have also been able to reap in God's harvest!
Now we ask for your prayers as we set out again toward Pennsylvania for a couple more months of deputation meetings. Our schedule has been filling up, but we are still praying for the right meetings to fill the rest of our schedule. Also, we are praying for the Lord's clear direction and provision in regards to another travel trailer or RV to meet our family's needs as we travel.
Dear Supporters and Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
The last few months have been filled with a variety of ministry opportunities for our family! We have traveled across sixteen states, preached in six states, and had the opportunity to visit friends planting a church in Staten Island, New York!
We started the fall in North and South Carolina. We had been in that area since June, and had many opportunities to preach and minister while there! That part of the country holds a special place in our hearts, and we now have several new friends that we had opportunity to meet and fellowship with! So many of the churches that we ministered in were so gracious to us - our hearts overflow with gratitude to them and the Lord when we think of the blessing that they have been to us!
The Lord opened the door for us to attend the Southwide Baptist Fellowship (in Kentucky this year) after leaving the Carolinas, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time there! We finally were able to finish our display table in time for the fellowship, and it was nice getting to set up a table representing our burden!
Then we headed to Illinois to be home for missions conference at our sending church. We enjoyed sweet fellowship with friends and family before getting on the road again - this time heading, for the first time, toward New York City!
Our friends, David and Elizabeth Wilt, have been working for over a year now on a new church plant. It is one of only two Independent Baptist Churches on Staten Island, New York - home to over 500,000 people. It was such a blessing to see around forty in attendance several times while we were there, as well as at least three people that accepted Christ! What a joy to see new believers young and old, being discipled and growing in Christ!
Before Christmas we headed home for a couple weeks and were able to participate in the the Christmas cantata at our home church. (Pepsi always loves it when we are able to be home to sing in the choir, especially the Christmas cantatas!) From there we headed to Florida to spend some time with family for Christmas, and then on to Richmond, Virginia for a God Bless America Crusade Prayer Rally.
The prayer rally gave us an opportunity to meet and reconnect with some of those that we will be working with this summer! It also provided a refreshing time of prayer for revival and God's hand of blessing on the crusade later this year!
We then had one last stop in Pennsylvania for a deputation meeting before we headed back to Illinois for a couple of months of scheduling meetings.
We are in a spiritual warfare and desperately need and rely upon your prayers! There have been several times that I have specifically felt as though things could only have gone as well as they did because of the prayers of God's people on our behalf! Thank you, and please continue!
His servants,
Joshua and Pepsi Lancaster
James 4:8-10
Spartanburg, S. Carolina
Louisville, Kentucky
Peoria, Illinois
New York, New York
Rising Sun, Maryland
Erie, Pennsylvania
Peoria, Illinois
Rockledge, Florida
Richmond, Virginia
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Peoria, Illinois