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Isn’t faith just a man-made crutch to help deal with difficulties in life?

Faith is a word usually associated with some sort of religion, but in reality faith is a part of any belief system, whether it includes a god or not.

Everyone must exercise faith. For instance, the theory of evolution requires faith that there were particles that could gather together to later explode. Where did those supposed particles come from? The best answers are only theories, and faith must be exercised to believe those theories.

Can’t people be good without God?

Those that reject faith in God are also rejecting any objective standard for morality (what is “good?”) by default.


At best, a man-made standard is the only standard that can be set without God. Any such standard will be highly subjective because it is based on the limited perspective of the individual or group. Subjective morality will constantly be changing as public opinion changes.


The faults of “morality” without God become clear when entire nations agree to do that which God has condemned.


*With no God, Adolf Hitler convinced his people to murder millions of Jews, Christians, and others.

*With no God, his nation and others swallowed the lie of evolution: that there were higher and lower races – some more evolved than others.

*With no God, man is only an evolved animal that has supposedly survived by the process of “survival of the fittest.”

*Without God, men are only animals and will act like animals.

Can the Bible record of Creation be trusted?

(Isn’t it a bit far-fetched to believe that everything was created in just six days by an all-powerful God?)

On the contrary, some believe that it is far-fetched to believe that everything came from nothing without a Creator, purpose, or explanation.

If someone tried to convince the world that every wristwatch was the product of an accidental explosion and billions of years of evolution, people would laugh. Yet every living thing is infinitely more complex than any watch, but the teaching goes that it is all here by accident – a product of chance.

What about the science everyone learns in school?

Evolutionists would have everyone to believe that things have only ever occurred naturally with no supernatural intervention. Yet, they cannot explain where matter came from - just as doctors cannot explain how someone that is terminally ill suddenly becomes well. Ironically, the word “miracle” is sometimes used by doctors that do not believe in miracles! It is similarly ironic that the answer “I don’t know” is often given by the most “brilliant” scientists when asked where matter originated. Often this ignorance is worn as a badge of honor – some stating that it is part of what makes science so great. “There is always more to learn and discover,” and “science is always changing” are two common ideas presented from this viewpoint. According to 2 Peter 3:5 these statements are evidence of a willing ignorance of the truth.


What about all of the evidence of billions of years of evolution?


When it comes to evidence of a young earth versus an old earth, it really just comes down to how evidence is interpreted.


Evolutionists interpret everything from the vantage point that the supernatural does not exist, therefore they must try to explain the universe without any supernatural phenomena having affected it. Creationists’ simply interpret the same evidence taking into account the Bible record.


Since everything that God created in the beginning would have had the appearance of age – he created fully formed stars, trees, plants, animals, and even man - it is no surprise that those that claim to not believe in God would measure things to be older than His Word records.

But could the Bible really be God’s Word? After all, didn’t men write It?

If there is a God, isn’t it reasonable and even necessary that He would provide His creation a trustworthy way to know about Himself and His plan for them?

The fact is that, though men penned the Bible, God claims in His Word to be the Author. All of the evidence points toward the Bible’s supernatural origin, compilation, completion, and continuation. The men that penned the Bible certainly were convinced that they were writing the very words of God.

Another consideration is that Jesus’ trustworthiness is strongly tied to the Bible’s trustworthiness - because He quoted the Old Testament as though It was the authoritative Word of God. If Jesus was the Son of God, as He claimed to be, then it would follow that the Bible truly is the Word of God. If Jesus was a liar, a deceiver, or a crazy man, His words cannot be trusted. If He Is Who He claimed to be, then the Bible must be what It claims to be.

Jesus’ miracles indicated the authority that was given to Him by His Father. (Both the Bible and history record about the life of Jesus.) Faith is required to believe in Jesus as God’s Son and the Bible as God’s Word, but that faith does not have to be blind faith. There is plenty of secular evidence available to back up the veracity of Jesus’ claims and the claims of the Bible.

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